Chapter 13: Unlucky Numbers.
Luckily for our party, the Lady Luck was kind to them. As it so happens, monsoon season is a regular event in the flood plains of Zhong Tien and Yuelan, so much so that most of the peasants resort to living on boats during the high summer months.
After some long debate, Darius recruited an old salt by the name of Xi Yan to guide them West. He took them along the Mei Lung River, through Yuelan province and further west. They were attacked by pirates along the way, but those were defeated and the ship commandeered.
Later they reached the city of Yuetong Gong, the border city to the Yuelan province. There they were questioned by the customs officials, and then captured. It was discovered that the Guang Hu Burning Hand and her band were accused of treason for overthrowing the Shen. They were thrown into jail for an indefinite period of time.
Fearing that they would be accused of the massacre at the waystation, they broke out after two weeks. In a daring nighttime escape engineered by Rahluhn, they hid in the city, and waited for dawn to come.
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