Chapter 12: The Journey West
The day began auspiciously for the party of Guang Hu.
Raluhn, Darius, Hien and Otylia were all in high spirits as they began their journey to the Well of Souls. The objective? To register at the Black Tower, and become official practioners of magic.
Unfortunately, they were delayed by a horrible event at a waystation two days into the journey. The bear, named Ms. Fluffikins was responsible for a terrible rampage in the middle of the night. When our adventurers awoke, they did so in pools of blood. The horses in the stables were found pinned to the ceiling by means of silverware, and the towns people all hacked to pieces and stuffed in barrels in the cellar.
The party quickly left. They inquired at a local farmhouse whether this was the fault of a local creature- it was indeed, not. They later stopped by a roadside shrine in order to request that the bear's 'curse' be lifted. The pastor confirmed that he had never seen such a curse that radiated no magic- in fact, he believed the party to be the perpetrators. They left after he suggested they wait for authorities to arrive.
After a few days, they finally reached the crossroad where the Inevitable Walk and the Capital Road met. Those led to the Well of Souls, and Zhong Tien respectively. The garrison of Bai Tien Tong guarded the pass, and they were questioned by magisters as to their heavily armed intent.
After a few clever dodges, they made their way onto the Inevitable Walk. That's when a monsoon hit. The water level of the river rose to such a degree that a man couldn't stand without drowning, and the massive winds prevented much travel. Wanting to avoid the authorities, the party pressed into the storm, and were savagely beaten by the elements. Almost lost to the wind, they managed to find an abandoned wagon, and took refuge there until the storm abated. They became quite sick, and the next day were floating on a cart in the midst of a flood plain, the hot sun bearing down upon them.
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