Chapter 10 & 11: The Fall of Shen
With the capture of Shen Qisi, the path of the Iron Cranes was clear. Shen Li Castle had to fall that night, or the rebellion would be crushed.
Rallying thr troops under the banner of a mysterious mercenary by the name of Dalion, the rebel army marched onto Shen Li Castle. Darius, and a Meshketi wizard by the name of Raluhn were at his side, and on the watch for threats from the supernatural.
Meanwhile a strike force led by Otylia was sneaking upon the castle in the darkness. A Tiger Soldier by the name of Jayne was in her company, along with Hien. Jayne savaged the walls with lightning and then landed, causing tremendous chaos. Hien and Otylia scaled the walls in the din.
During this, Shen Li Wei decided that enough was enough. Afraid that the magical incursion would destroy is horsemen, he led a charge into the rebel army. They held before his charge, with Raluhn delivering a killing blow to the Horselord. The Silver Scarf cavalry broke upon his death, and was quickly dispatched.
At Shen Li Castle, the mighty Jayne was felled by thirty Shen arrows. But in this courageous act, he paved the way for Otylia to reach the barbican and she hurled open the gates.
The army entered the castle and chaos erupted. The Guang Hu found themselves reunited as Otylia, Hien, Raluhn, Darius and Dalion entered the castle's main citadel in search for the rest of the Shen.
In the lobby, they encountered a cunning trap by Chen Zun, a man known as The Killer. He struck once, a telling blow that cleaved open Raluhn's shoulder. However, the wizard retaliated with a blinding magical blast, and The Killer retreated.
Slaying numerous defenders along the way, Otylia led the way upstairs to Shen Gong with her magical silver raven. It was trained in divination, but alass, not defense. The magical bird was turned to dust as it encountered the mighty Jin Ci, a giant rust monster raised by Shen Gong. When the party followed it up to the roof, they were cunningly led into an ambush. Shen Gong was waiting with Jin Ci, and dozens of Silver Scarf warriors. A furious melee ensued, but the Guang Hu proved victorious as Raluhn laid Shen Gong low with a fiery blow. Hien's armor was turned to dust, but she felled the rust beast in her rage with a pointy stuck. When Darius raised the banner of the Iron Cranes, the battle was won as the rebels rallied and captured Shen Hsung, the last Shen.
Celebrations and honors were accorded to all involved. Mei Fan allowed the Guang Hu to adjucate the fate of Shen Hsung, and they determined he would live in exchange for information. Shen Hsung revealed the nature of his master, a mysterious person by the name of "Rising Dragon". A fabulous treasure of gold and magic items was discovered, and it included a burning staff of fire, a dripping halberd coated in blood, and a magical glove.
Afterwards, the Guang Hu met with Minister Jong Ping, who was placed as head administrator of the former Shen Sheng. As it turns out, the Sheng was originially the homeland of the Jongs, and Jong Ping had returned to take back her family's property. The castle was renamed Jong Castle, and the land Jong Sheng. She thanked Hien, Darius and Otylia for avenging her father, the late Jong Sun and bid them to find the power behind the Shen. It was suspected that the Governor of Yuelan was possibly this Rising Dragon, and she bid them to find him.
It was noted that Darius and Raluhn were both renegades in the Empire, and suggested they depart for the Well of Souls in order to receive accreditation. The rest of the party agreed, especially because of the cursed bear they carried.
And so, they journeyed into the West.
This concludes the chronicle of the Shen. With the fall of Shen Li Castle, Minister Jong began the process of restoring her homeland to it's former rustic glory. The Guang Hu that defeated them continue to journey on, searching for justice. In the case of the Tiger Soldier Jayne, he was buried with full honors in the Jong burial grounds.
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