Two games have past since this blog was created.
Emperor Yin has made a decree that the Southern frontier is to be populated. He has created an incentative for noble citizens to move South, granting them parcels of land and a potential chance at nobility. Recruiters and shippers have also been encouraged, gaining a bounty for each head delivered to the province of Xian Hoy.
Aboard the Sea Cow, two sisters have embarked on a journey to Xian Hoy. It is revealed that the Captain wishes to head south to liberate a slave plantation, and increase his bounty. The passengers are threatened to rebel, but are mollified after a peaceful settlement involving a poetry contest.
Later, the two sisters and a fellow adventurer land in a hidden cove nearby the plantation. Attacking the guards on the beach, they venture to the plantation with a small crew. The brave adventurer is taken captive by the Neogi, disappearing into the forest.
Meanwhile, a winged enforcer spots their approach in an effort to stop them, she drops a torch to ignite the area on fire. Unfortunately it also ignites the plantation's cornfields, sending the place into chaos.
After a brief skirmish, the enforcer is released from her magical enslavement, and helps the sisters liberate the plantation. She destroys the factory running the plantation, and the sisters free another enslaved enforcer. The Neogi slavers escape, blasting off into the sky in a metal capsule.
Now saddled with a plantation full of slaves, the sisters return to the beach with two new companions, a mage and the winged one. They make arrangements to ship the slaves off to Xian Hoy, but the load is unanticipated. The leave a large group behind, while the captain takes who he can.
There are some grumbles, but the slaves manage to unify themselves. Another joins their party, an exceptionally acrobatic slave by the name of Otylia. They return to the plantation for supplies, and discover a vault full of papers and baubles. Otylia pockets them for safekeeping.
Afterwards, a large underground crawling insect attacks the slaves on the beach. It is quickly dispatched by Hien, and it is revealed that a magical lantern that emits light as bright as day is found within it's gullet. The slaves dance in rejoice of the god's favor.
However, all is not well. A winged shape bothers them throughout the night. The next night, it lands. The wingshaped is a wingtouched man by the name to Judica Antipheros, a former Magistrate from the Empire. He possesses a Neogi on a chain. He demands the lantern, but is refused. Using his Neogi ally, he forces the wingtouched enforcer to turn it off and toss it into the sea, allowing his hidden undead to now approach unmolested.
But Lim Kuei must be with them. The lantern is returned by the ocean ontop the beach nearby, a last hope for the surviving slaves. Will they reach it in time?